Geospatial Filtering and Biasing

Customise your address form to your chosen geocoordinates. Now available via our Address Finder solution


Customise your address form to your chosen geocoordinates. Now available via our Address Finder solution

At Ideal Postcodes, we're always looking to improve the search functionality of our solutions and make it more simpler, accessible and accurate. We've launched Geospatial Filtering and biasing to allow you to customise your address forms further.

Geospatial Filtering

You can set up filtering conditions on your address form to any particular area that you have a latitude and longitude for. The address results will display the locations in that geospatial area.

Geospatial Biasing

Biasing allows you to boost and sort search results by the distance of the geocodes to a given reference point.

View our documentation to Bias by geolocation.

Address Finder

Select the top left and bottom right geocoordinates for your bounding box and set up biasing to restrict your address search results. You can also bias search results to a geospatial circle determined by an origin and radius in meters.

View our documentation to Filter by geospatial box.

Follow our Address Finder documentation to find out how to set up Geocode Filtering and Biasing. If you need support, you can either reach out to us on our support page or drop by our developer chat page.